Undercapitalized Businesses Can Turn To Pre-Bank Funding When Money Is Tight And Options Are Scarce
New Year’s Resolution for Small Business Owners; Find Innovative Ways to Raise Business Capital
Is Venture Debt A Better Way To Finance Growth Capital?
According to the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), the venture capital (VC) market in America is shrinking, with the number of VC firms significantly decreased in recent years. The NVCA reports that VC investment and under-management are also on the decline.
When You’re Finished Raising Money, Don’t Forget to Do This
Plenty of small business owners invest months leading up to the launch of an equity crowdfunding campaign. But the work does not end with a successful raise: Maintaining effective ongoing communication with investors, customers and stakeholders long after the campaign has ended can not only prevent legal headaches, but can also become a competitive advantage.
The Success or Failure of Your Equity Raise Depends (Mostly) on How Well You Do This
Want to know whether or not a proposed business investment is sound? Look no further than its Value Proposition. A VP is the starting point for potential issuers in developing equity crowdfunding campaigns that has a significant influence on their success or failure. Simply put, if the VP isn’t clear and compelling enough, investors will look elsewhere for better returns for their dollars.